What's Happening in Third Grade

Here’s What’s Happening in Third Grade

Awards Days

Awards Celebrations have been scheduled. Be sure you have these dates on your calendar:

May 30 - Kindergarten 8:30

May 31 - 2nd Grade 8:30; 3rd Grade 9:15

June 3 – 1st Grade 9:00; 4th Grade 1:45

June 4 – 5th Grade 8:15

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Top 5 Things You Need to Know About STAAR

The big day is upon us. Here are the Top 5 things you need to know about STAAR:
5.  Get a good night's sleep the night before -- your child needs one, too!
4.  Eat breakfast before coming to school, or plan to eat breakfast at school.
3.  Be on time.
2.  Leave plenty of time to get to school, so no one is rushed and stressed.
1.  Have an encouraging word for your child before they leave home.

Remember, Cannon will be closed to visitors on Tuesday and Wednesday. We will be having sack lunches in our classroom on both days. Mrs. Blizzard has provided snacks and water bottles for each day of testing.  While STAAR testing is only one of the ways we measure your child's progress in third grade, it is an important test. Ask your child what some of their strategies are for doing their best. Your encouraging words will be go a long way in their confidence that morning.

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