What's Happening in Third Grade

Here’s What’s Happening in Third Grade

Awards Days

Awards Celebrations have been scheduled. Be sure you have these dates on your calendar:

May 30 - Kindergarten 8:30

May 31 - 2nd Grade 8:30; 3rd Grade 9:15

June 3 – 1st Grade 9:00; 4th Grade 1:45

June 4 – 5th Grade 8:15

Monday, April 1, 2013

Things are looking up

You won't want to miss out on the opportunity for your child to have a personalized ceiling tile at Cannon.  The sales of the ceiling tiles will be a fundraiser for STEM materials that will be used as a part of our new STEM Academy.  Click on the pictures below for a copy of the instructions needed to be a part of this fun way for your child to be a part of Cannon long into the future!

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