What's Happening in Third Grade

Here’s What’s Happening in Third Grade

Awards Days

Awards Celebrations have been scheduled. Be sure you have these dates on your calendar:

May 30 - Kindergarten 8:30

May 31 - 2nd Grade 8:30; 3rd Grade 9:15

June 3 – 1st Grade 9:00; 4th Grade 1:45

June 4 – 5th Grade 8:15

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spanish Projects

Important Information from Mrs. DeLeon
Dear Parents,
Some scholars have not turned in their South American projects that were assigned on April 8. I have informed them that they have until Tuesday, May 28th, to turn in their South American projects (that were due the 21st). If they do, they will be able to bring up their current 'U' grades and participate in Mercado on June 4th. If you have any questions about the PBL project, please go to my webpage below or you may contact me directly. Thank you so much for your support!

Cannon Website  

Queridos padres,
Informé a todos los escolares que no entregaron sus proyectos de Sur America a tiempo, que tienen hasta martes, el 28 de mayo, para entregarlo. Si lo logran, cambiaré sus notas de 'U' y podrán participar en mercado el 4 de junio. Si tienen preguntas sobre este proyecto, favor de mirar a mi sitio web o se puede comunicar conmmigo directamente. Muchas gracias por su apoyo.

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