What's Happening in Third Grade

Here’s What’s Happening in Third Grade

Awards Days

Awards Celebrations have been scheduled. Be sure you have these dates on your calendar:

May 30 - Kindergarten 8:30

May 31 - 2nd Grade 8:30; 3rd Grade 9:15

June 3 – 1st Grade 9:00; 4th Grade 1:45

June 4 – 5th Grade 8:15

Friday, May 31, 2013

Awards Day

I love Awards Day, when we stop and recognize our scholars and all of their accomplishments. This year we took the time to hear what the students themselves were proud of. Click on the movie below to share what your scholar had to say about Third Grade!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Monster Math

Students had a great time this week writing math problems about monsters. We finished our monster project by designing monster covers today. I hope you enjoy their creations below!

PTA Mustache Bash

Great lunch today with Joshua -- he won Lunch with your Teacher at the PTA spring cookout. Kaley and Maddy also had lunch with Mrs. DeLeon and Mrs. Highfil. Thanks so much to Mike Davis Insurance, who provided our lunch from Sonic, as well as Vicki Rosamond who coordinated this event.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Because of Winn Dixie

We have been enjoying reading the book "Because of Winn Dixie", by Kate DiCamillo. India Opal Buloni adopts a dog she names Winn Dixie, after the supermarket she finds him in. Winn Dixie will change Opal, her father, and the entire town of Naomi, Florida.  

Today students are designing a dog supply organizer that will hang in a closet.  This is a small glimpse into the design process. Stay tuned for pictures of the completed designs.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cannon Choir at NRH2O

Congratulations to our Cannon Choir, who performed today at NRH2O.  The choir received a SUPERIOR rating and our Tocar choir received a SUPERIOR PLUS rating. We are so proud of our 2nd through 5th grade scholars!  Thanks, Mr Lollis, for all your hard work.

Spanish Projects

Important Information from Mrs. DeLeon
Dear Parents,
Some scholars have not turned in their South American projects that were assigned on April 8. I have informed them that they have until Tuesday, May 28th, to turn in their South American projects (that were due the 21st). If they do, they will be able to bring up their current 'U' grades and participate in Mercado on June 4th. If you have any questions about the PBL project, please go to my webpage below or you may contact me directly. Thank you so much for your support!

Cannon Website  

Queridos padres,
Informé a todos los escolares que no entregaron sus proyectos de Sur America a tiempo, que tienen hasta martes, el 28 de mayo, para entregarlo. Si lo logran, cambiaré sus notas de 'U' y podrán participar en mercado el 4 de junio. Si tienen preguntas sobre este proyecto, favor de mirar a mi sitio web o se puede comunicar conmmigo directamente. Muchas gracias por su apoyo.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Family STEM Night

Don't miss out -- our Family STEM Night is next week!  Don't miss the opportunity to experience what your child has learned in our latest engineering unit - designing membranes.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Field Day

We are enjoying a great day today at Field Day. Thanks to all of the Cannon Staff who worked so hard to organize our events today. We are so glad that the weather forecast of rain was wrong!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Testing membrane materials

Today we are testing materials we will use to build our model membrane. Students brainstormed together to try and solve the problem of building a model membrane that will let water through at a slow rate.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Is an Eggshell a Membrane?

We are continuing to explore membranes, today using eggs. We soaked a peeled egg and an unpeeled egg in colored water over the weekend. The peeled egg let in a lot of the color and the unpeeled egg let in very little color. We concluded that an eggshell is a membrane because it let some of the food coloring in.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What does a raisin look like up close?

Have you ever looked at a raisin under a microscope? Mrs. Hall's and Mrs. Step's class used a digital microscope to look at a raisin skin up close. Some of us have decided that we may never eat another raisin! We soaked some raisins and will look at them again tomorrow. Will it look different? Wait and see.

Exploring Membranes

Today we began the next step in our engineering unit -- exploring different membranes. Today's investigation uses raisins. Did you know raisins have tiny holes in their skin. We will know more tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Today we are exploring the idea of "biomimicry" -- technology that mimics biology. We used the iPad app, Instacollage, to compare pictures and write about their function.