What's Happening in Third Grade

Here’s What’s Happening in Third Grade

Awards Days

Awards Celebrations have been scheduled. Be sure you have these dates on your calendar:

May 30 - Kindergarten 8:30

May 31 - 2nd Grade 8:30; 3rd Grade 9:15

June 3 – 1st Grade 9:00; 4th Grade 1:45

June 4 – 5th Grade 8:15

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Connecticut Tragedy

Our hearts are heavy as we grieve over the tragedy that occurred on Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. I invite you to click on the link below and watch an interview with Dr. Brad Schwall, a child psychologist, on WFAA. The site also has age appropriate talking points to use as a guide to talking with your children about this tragedy.  


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


12-12-12...It was a special day today -- the last time (in my lifetime, anyway!) that the month, day and year will be the same! We enjoyed decorating the number 12, taking pictures of the number 12 and playing a game searching for numbers that go together to make 12.  Enjoy some photos from today.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2 Dimensional Shapes

This week we have been working on learning names and attributes of 2 dimensional (flat) shapes. We have built shapes, drawn shapes, and used an iPad app called "Geoboard" to make and label the shapes. We learned that a shape name comes from the number of sides on the shape, not necessarily the way it looks. A pentagon does not always look like a house!  Check out some of our creations using the Geoboard app.

Are you surprised here to find the square labeled as a rectangle?  We learned that a square is a special type of rectangle because it has 2 pairs of equal edges and 4 right angles - just like a rectangle.  However, a rectangle is not a square because all of the rectangle's edges are not equal !